Welcome to my GTAinside userpage! Here you find some information about my live in Los Santos and Liberty City. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me by a Private Message.
Angel X Revolver
10/10, amazing work Hachiraito!
@AmazingNight : thanks
@Abby Radke : too many files doesn't crashing your game, but i think windows 10 doesn't work 0.248 / hybrid.
nice bro
@Running Man : it's need a high specification pc to run smoothly, but low pc is enough for screenshots.
@Rakesh_nama : thanks
@DarkMasterPolska : thanks
@IForgotPassword : yes, it is
@Yehlowcarrr_17 : it's not an issue, it's just a color / idk same as my 1st screenshot there.